
Release Time [2017-10-30]


The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is an important meeting convened during the critical period of building a well-off society in an all-round way and the special period in which socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, with epoch-making significance and landmark significance. General Secretary Xi Jinping's 19th National Congress held high the banner of guiding the revival, magnificent, rich in content, inspiring and enterprising, is a political declaration with a special feature of socialism marching toward a new era, opening a new journey and renewing a new chapter And program of action are the scientific guidelines and action guides for our country's state-owned enterprises in their reform and development entering a new era, displaying new initiatives and achieving new goals. CNBM Group will study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party well and grasp the direction and control of the overall situation with Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The goal of building a stronger and better The major way is to enhance the vitality and motivation of enterprises by means of reform and innovation, enhance the quality and efficiency of enterprises through integration and optimization, and expand the enterprise market and growth space with the "One Belt and One Road". Under the guidance of the spirit of the 19 National Congress, China Building Materials Group must firmly believe, with confidence, work harder and work hard to lead China's building materials industry into a new era.
First, grasp the direction and control of the overall situation with Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era


??Group party committee to watch the grand opening of the grand opening broadcast grand occasion

To thoroughly study, propagandize and carry out the 19th CPC National Congress's (NPC) spirit is the primary political task of the current and future period. We must profoundly understand the new major judgments, the new theoretical summaries, the new strategic arrangements, work hard at understanding, Understand thorough thoroughly. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guiding ideology that must be adhered to for a long time by our party and written it into the party constitution. It is the biggest bright spot and the most important historical contribution of the 19th National Congress. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the deployment of Party committees of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Party Committee of the Group promptly organized the party organizations at all levels and the party members in earnest in studying and implementing the spirit of the 19 NPC, especially in deepening the study and understanding of the rich connotation of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and resolutely Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the party Central Committee authority and centralized leadership, respect the party constitution, and conscientiously enhance the political awareness, core awareness, the overall situation awareness, awareness. Further study and comprehend the guiding ideology of the 19th National Congress on improving the socialist market economy and the reform and development of state-owned enterprises, and further strengthen road confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and cultural self-confidence.


??Organize to participate in the spirit of the 19th Session of the SASAC to learn to mobilize and deploy video conferencing

With a high sense of political responsibility and historical mission, the party committees of the Group endeavor to learn from the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in Xi Jinping's new era and grasp the direction and control of the overall situation for the reform and development of the Group and the party building. Adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership of the enterprise. We must give a clear-cut stand on politics and resolutely implement the Party's basic theories, basic lines and basic strategies, and give full play to the party's leadership, the biggest political advantage of this state-owned enterprise. Strengthen and improve the party building in enterprises, put political construction in the first place, strengthen ideological development, conscientiously carry out the theme education of "remembering the beginning and remembering the mission", give full play to the unique political advantages of the party organization, and provide a firm guarantee for the reform and development of the group. In-depth grasp of building an honest and clean government, the implementation of the party governing the main responsibility of the party governing the party, adhere to the "three strictures and the truth," the establishment of "pro-Qing" working relationship, persevere, and create a positive business climate. Adhere to the new concept of development. As a central SOEs in building materials, they should actively assume the three major responsibilities of the central government in terms of the five major development concepts of "innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing", actively implement the supply-side structural reforms and firmly establish a globally competitive world The goal of first-class building materials enterprises do not relax, promote the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets, and promote the state-owned capital to become stronger and better. Inspire and protect entrepreneurship. Build a highly qualified and specialized team, pool talents, strictly control their love and establish a sound incentive mechanism and a mechanism for fault tolerance and error correction, with a clear-cut stand in favor of cadres who dare to take on practical tasks and do not make their own profits, and create a safe environment for peace and security. Play a good entrepreneur role, enhance their core competitiveness. Consciously practice the socialist core values. Continue to integrate into the building of enterprise culture, with cadres taking the lead and with full participation, vigorously carry forward the corporate core values of "innovation, performance, harmony and responsibility" and cadre literacy requirements of "awe, gratitude, courtesy and decent" Spirit cohesion strength, glow cadres and workers Jing Nai God, enhance the soft power of enterprises.

Second, use the reform and innovation to enhance the vitality and motivation of enterprises

??Construction of modern industrial 4.0 intelligent cement plant
According to the report of the 19th NPC, China's economy has shifted from a phase of rapid growth to a phase of high-quality development, and is now in the crucial period of transforming its mode of development, optimizing its economic structure and shifting its growth momentum. It is necessary to implement the new development concept and build a modern economic system. China Building Materials Group takes a high degree of historical responsibility and sense of mission and actively shoulders the task of building a more powerful modernized building material industrial system in China. It has become a major force in deepening supply-side structural reforms, deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and accelerating the construction of innovative enterprises. Advance team, to make its due contribution.
Deepen supply-side structural reforms. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (NPC) pointed out that the construction of a modern economic system must put the focus of economic development on the real economy, accelerate the building of a powerful nation and accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries; support the optimization of traditional industries and speed up the development of modern service industries; High-end global value chain, nurturing a number of the world's advanced manufacturing clusters. Building materials industry is a typical real economy, China Building Materials Group, after years of hard work, the development of a strong manufacturing industry in six areas of the world's largest industrial scale, walking in the forefront of the global building materials industry; to carry out building materials engineering, logistics, technology And other integrated services, leading the global advanced building materials manufacturing services development trend has become a strong support for China's manufacturing power. As a basic raw material industry, building materials industry is also faced with multiple challenges such as capacity management, power conversion, green transformation and quality improvement. As an industry leader, China Building Materials Group should adhere to the principle of "limiting new production capacity, eliminating backwardness, implementing peak production, promoting competition in the market, promoting joint reorganization, reducing production costs, removing stockpiles, deleveraging, reducing costs and making up for shortcomings. International Cooperation in Capacity Building "Six unswerving, optimize the allocation of resources, expand high-quality incremental supply, consolidate the advantages of high-end development, build a world-class advanced building materials manufacturing cluster.


??China's first copper-indium gallium selenide film solar module successfully off the assembly line

Enhance the vitality of the enterprise system and mechanism. The report of the 19th National Congress pointed out that adhering to and perfecting the system of socialism and basic economic and distribution in our country, adhering to the direction of socialist market economy reform, and issuing new requirements, new guidelines and new calls for deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises. China Building Materials Group as a merger and reorganization of central enterprises, the development of mixed ownership economy, the implementation of the Board of Directors, mixed ownership of employees holding four reform pilot enterprises, will adhere to the party's overall leadership of enterprise reform and resolutely keep the bottom line to ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets Based on the principle of market-oriented operation of central enterprises and the mixed three principles of fully mixing, standardizing and blending, and actively promoting the reform of mixed ownership at the group level, , And intensified the reform of property rights diversification among member enterprises. While adhering to the basic premise of "relatively controlling", "the largest shareholder" and "one-third majority", the active shareholders were introduced to promote the standardization of governance and the positive Explore the reform of the internal mechanism and establish a highly coordinated model of management, employee benefits and business efficiency, and contribute useful experiences and successful solutions for the reform of state-owned enterprises.

??China Building Materials Group independently developed kiloton T800 carbon fiber line officially put into operation

Continuous innovation to inject momentum into the enterprise. Innovation is the first motivation to lead the development. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (NPC) pointed out that accelerating the building of an innovation-oriented country has put forward specific requirements on scientific and technological innovation, the reform of the scientific and technological system and the construction of an innovation system. For a long time, China Building Materials Group ranked innovation in the top three core strategies and core values. The rapid development of enterprises in recent years has benefited from four major innovations in technology, mechanism, business model and management. We must further vigorously build the building of an innovative enterprise and implement comprehensive innovation. By persisting in running state-owned enterprises and speeding up the innovation of institutional mechanisms such as mixed ownership reform, the development vitality is further released. Through business model innovation and fostering enterprises to develop new momentum, we should vigorously develop new modes such as "smart industry", overseas building materials home chain supermarkets, and a green energy town of plus energy 5.0, and further promote the in-depth integration with the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, We will actively explore new modes in such areas as high-end consumption, innovation-led, green and low carbon, shared economy, modern supply chain and human capital services. Through managing innovation to solve the problems of efficiency and cost, we should make good use of the unique set of management methods refined from the long-term management of the enterprise, including the control of "gridwork", the "law of the eighth industry", the "six-star enterprise" , To ensure the quality of business. By giving play to the advantages of science and technology, promoting technological innovation and occupying the commanding height of future development. At present, the Group owns 26 state-level scientific research institutes, 38,000 scientific and technological workers and 9,000 patents, which not only support the technological upgrading and transformation of traditional industries such as cement and glass, but also cultivate new building materials, high-performance fibers, Materials, optoelectronic glass, special functional glass, advanced composite materials, polymer membrane materials, graphite-based carbon materials, artificial crystal materials, high-end industrial ceramics, and other top ten new high-tech materials. Strong R & D capability has become the source driving force for enterprises to continuously march into world-class. In the future, we will further build strategic scientific and technological forces, cultivate innovative culture and strengthen the team building of innovative talents. We will make efforts in solving key industry common technologies and cutting-edge technologies New major contribution for the construction of science and technology powerhouse, smart society and provide strong support.

Third, with integrated optimization to improve the quality and effectiveness of enterprises
In carrying out the concept of new development and building a modern economic system, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that China's economy is in the process of tackling the problem of transforming the mode of development, optimizing the economic structure and shifting the growth momentum. It is necessary to take supply-side structural reform as the main line and adhere to quality first , Priority is given to efficiency. While demanding the acceleration of improving the socialist market economic system, they also pointed out: We must speed up the layout optimization, structural adjustment and strategic restructuring of state-owned economy, promote the preservation and appreciation of the state-owned assets and promote the enhancement of the state-owned capital. Around these tasks, China Building Materials Group adhere to the integration and optimization of ways to further enhance its competitiveness and overall strength, leading enterprises to enter a new stage of high-quality development.

Play two materials restructuring synergies. In August last year, the original building materials and the implementation of the restructuring of the original material, the new China Building Materials Group was officially announced the establishment. Over the past year since its reorganization, CNBM Group has actively promoted the four major optimization strategies of "optimizing strategic thinking, optimizing headquarter organization, optimizing secondary platform and optimizing institutional system", and integrating "Brand Culture Integration, Organizational Structure Integration, Cement Business Integration, International Engineering Business Integration, integration of industry and finance, production and research integration, "the six integrated work, the scale of enterprises strength, synergies and economic benefits increased significantly, to achieve the effect of 1 +1> 2. In the year of reorganization, the company realized a profit of 8.0 billion yuan in the year of reorganization. It was rated A-class in the performance evaluation of SASAC and Fortune 500 leapt to 259 places. The profit in the first 9 months of this year increased by 90%. The restructuring of the two materials is an important measure to promote supply-side structural reforms, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and optimize the structure of state-owned capital. It is an inevitable choice for the national strategy of building materials industry to serve. We must give further play to the synergies and advantages of restructuring and reorganization, integrate cultures, innovate modes, share technologies, and make every effort to create better benefits. The new China Building Materials Group will further optimize its domestic layout, promote the integration and optimization of industries and enterprises, push forward with capacity-building and product promotion to the higher end, expand effective and high-end supply and strive to be the vanguard of structural reform in the industry and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry At the same time, we must become an advanced team in the "Belt and Road Initiative" and actively participate in international competition to create "aircraft carriers" that participate in overseas competition and enhance the global competitiveness of China's building materials industry.

??A new journey from "big to great". Following the pace of our country entering a new era, China Building Material Group clearly "from big to great" after the restructuring of two materials, to build a strategic vision of a world-class building materials enterprises, a clear leader in industrial consolidation, industrial upgrading innovators, international production capacity Cooperation and pioneer strategic positioning, put forward and actively implement the "innovation-driven, green development, international cooperation," the three strategies, focusing on "intensive building materials, vigorously develop new materials, and actively nurture R & D and technical services and other new formats," the "three Curvilinear ", focusing on building six business platforms including basic building materials, international capacity cooperation, the development of three new industries, state-level materials research, state-level mining resources and financial investment and operation, and strive to promote the development of" high-end, intelligent and green " Internationalization "four transformations. Next, China Building Materials Group will continue to further promote the integration and optimization work in accordance with the spirit of the 19th National Congress and the requirements of the SASAC. Based on the basically completed consolidation of the Group headquarters and secondary companies, there are 15 listed companies controlled by the Group. Currently, it is advancing the merger and acquisition of two H-share companies in Hong Kong and will reorganize and integrate the business platforms competing in the same industry. In H Stock listed companies to form cement, new materials, engineering services three pillars of the development pattern. We will build the parent company into a building material investment holding group company, give full play to the function of state-owned capital investment platform, promote the securitization and market capitalization management of the enterprise, and promote the rational flow of state-owned capital through equity operation, value management and orderly advancement The maximization of corporate value and the preservation and appreciation of the state-owned capital. The platform of the secondary company forms a big industry around the core business according to the principle of business refraction and strives to be the top three in the world and create a large and medium-sized specialized listed company.
Fourth, with the "Belt and Road" to expand business market and growth space
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress that at present China is approaching the central stage of the world increasingly and should continue to adhere to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world. With the "One Belt and One Road" as the key point, a new pattern of opening to the outside world will be formed. The "Belt and Road Initiative" has provided great opportunities for Chinese enterprises to expand their international market and growth space. Unable to move, forage first, "Belt and Road" along the huge infrastructure required building materials first. As a central material company for building materials, CNBMG should seize this historic opportunity and be a good pioneer in the construction of "the Belt and Road". It will strive to become a leading enterprise in international resource allocation and a leading enterprise in global industry development. Enterprises that have the right to speak and influence in the development of the global industry have made a fundamental contribution to creating a broad pattern of "one belt and one road" co-construction, sharing and opening up.
Create China's building materials industry's world business card. General Secretary Xi Jinping suggested that the Chinese people are ready to work with people of all countries to promote the building of a common community of human destiny and work together to create a beautiful future for mankind. This reflects the big pattern of self-confidence in China. Do business also have a big pattern. In recent years, CNBM, the largest building material manufacturer in the world, has actively implemented the "Going Global" strategy in response to the national call and fully utilized its own technology and equipment advantages. It has successively undertaken 312 cement projects in 75 countries and regions in the world, accounting for 65% of the world's new cement production line has maintained the first place in global cement engineering market share for 9 consecutive years, undertook over 60 glass projects, operated 14 overseas building materials chain supermarkets, outsourced and managed over 30 factories in the world and firmly established Good corporate image and reputation. On this basis, we actively expanded the market space and targeted 7 key regions in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Middle East, South Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, ASEAN and South America. In accordance with the requirements of deepening the market, providing accurate services, refining technology and fine management, Deep plowing into the regional market, diversified business diversified, service quality and improve efficiency efforts. We also proposed to achieve the goal of "six one by 2020" by 10 mini-industrial parks, 10 overseas warehouses, 10 overseas regional inspection and certification centers, 100 building materials chain distribution centers and 100 smart factory management , 100 EPC projects. We are speeding up the transition to multinational corporations and gradually moving towards a new era of international capacity cooperation. We must not only be the largest building material manufacturer in the world, but also be the largest integrated technical service provider in the world.

Adhere to the "win-win cooperation" principle. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that China upholds the concept of jointly managing and sharing global governance, and it is necessary to step up cooperation in accordance with the principle of "sincere friendship and sincerity and sincere sincerity and sincereness" to promote economic globalization toward a more open, inclusive, inclusive and balanced economy, Win-win direction. During the construction of "One Belt, One Road", CNBM always upholds the three principles of "win-win cooperation", that is, contributes to local development, cooperates with local enterprises and enjoys friendly relations with local residents. Each year, our company in Papua New Guinea contributes to local charities, investing in the construction of modern schools and hospitals before investing in building materials industrial parks in Zambia. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with well-known international companies and leading domestic enterprises to jointly explore third-party markets and create a coalition development model featuring mutual benefits, risk sharing and mutual benefit. We will become a leading global multinational company and a truly global citizen of the world enterprise.


??Building materials industrial park in Zambia
The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China reports that the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era with a grand monarchy and proposed a beautiful vision and strategy for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It outlined the grand blueprint for promoting the peaceful development of mankind in the new century. Chinese people's future programmatic document. Under the leadership of the new Central Party Committee with Xi as the core general secretary, the Chinese people will be fully victorious and full of confidence and will surely win an all-round victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way and the goal of "two hundred and 100 years". "Our purpose must be achieved, our goal will be able to achieve", all the cadres and workers of China Building Materials Group rejoiced at the spirit of the 19 National Congress, will strive for the day and night spirit, forge ahead with determination and hard work, and strive to " To Great "new journey to create more brilliant achievements, in order to create a globally competitive world-class building materials enterprises, in order to achieve China's building materials industry beyond the leading building materials industry in the world, to promote China's economic power to make greater contribution to the victory Well-to-do, comprehensively building a modern socialist country and make new contributions!
